Senior Sport Analyst - Venues

Erica, MPA | Master of Public Administration
College Attended: Clemson University (undergrad), University of Baltimore (grad school)

What inspires you?
Professionally, find so much inspiration from all the black women that are trailblazers within the sport arena. Seeing these women as they become the first Black Woman NFL President (Sandra Douglas Morgan), NBA Players Association Executive Director (Tamika Tremaglio) and Black Woman Owner of the Milwaukee Bucks (Valerie Daniels) and the individual journeys that these women have taken, makes me feel empowered to achieve my own accomplishment and forge a path of my own.

Tell me about your job. What attracted you to this career?
My job is to advise sport venues on how to maximize their profits. Sports has always been my passion. It has always been important for me to first find my passion and then find my job and I have tried lots of different things before landing on where I’m at now.

What obstacles did you overcome to get to this point in your career?
I have faced many obstacles as a black woman in the sports and recreation field, but I would say my biggest obstacle has been having the confidence in myself. Many times, people will want to identify why you can’t do something, gaslight you into believing you are not capable, or advance those that are less qualified. Having the mental fortitude to push past those words, thoughts, and/or people is not always easy. Not everyone wants to see you do well and this includes your boss/supervisor and that can be a difficult thing to realize.

How does a person progress in your field?
Creating the right connections will take you places education cannot, but once you get into those spaces you must work hard, be confident and take risk.  

Do you have any advice you would like to give future and current college students? 
Get to know a wide range of people - faculty, staff and students. Networking is important. It is often true that who you know is just as important as what you know. Use your acquaintances to your advantage, but don’t take advantage of them.

Be active!


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