Aljernon and Elise Lloyd both passed away in 2020, regretfully, during the Covid-19 pandemic, we were unable to have a funeral service or a deserving memorial. However, having their memory live on is very important to us. The Aljernon and Elise Lloyd Memorial Scholarship was established to honor their memory and empower the next generation of students.

Family was the most important thing to them and the bond formed with family members over the years was irreplaceable. The two of them never met a stranger and always invited people into their lives. Education and learning new things was important in their lives and they enjoyed instilling knowledge and wisdom into their family and friends.

Together they both valued the importance of a strong family bond and their positive impact in their community. We have partnered with Amory High School to establish the Aljernon and Elise Lloyd Memorial Scholarship fund in their name. We anticipate this to be a yearly gift to a deserving senior. We are sure this is something they would have been proud of, and is a fitting reminder of their appreciation of the importance of education.

The Lloyd Family

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Aljernon was mostly self-taught. Through sheer determination and hard work, he brought laughter, joy and eating to family, friends and coworkers. All through the years, he was always encouraging young people to stay in school, learn as much as possible and work hard at what ever you do. He always had words of advice for whoever would listen.

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Elise also recognized the importance of family, education and work ethics in the lives of their children and grandchildren. She spent a lot of time volunteering at the schools through whatever clubs, band or activities we were involved in. She spent hours buying and reading books with the grandchildren.

We’re honoring their memory through our support of community and helping students to continue learning.